Does Anybody Want a 2nd American Civil War?

Minister Paul J Bern
4 min readFeb 18, 2024

To Those Who Talk of a 2nd American Civil War; Could We Please Have a Quick Word?

By Minister Paul J. Bern

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For this week’s Sunday message, I have just got to say a few words about a troubling topic that seems to be cropping up all over social media. Lately the Mainstream Media has also begun picking up this conversation and splashing it all over the TV channels. What I’m talking and writing about is the prospect of a Second American Civil War.

Four Out of Ten, Maybe Even Five

According to The Guardian, a UK-based daily news publication, 40% of the US population thinks America is headed for a 2nd civil war (see full article here). To me at least, this is a really disturbing number. Four out of every ten Americans see another civil war looming in the fairly near future. That’s too close to the halfway mark, which is what makes the prospect of another civil war so dangerous.

Up to Half of Us See Civil War Approaching

Another similar survey came out just months later that pegged the number of Americans seeing civil war on their horizons at 50% (check that one out from



Minister Paul J Bern

Rev. Paul J. Bern is a Web pastor and blogger on The Social Gospel Blog on Medium and Substack. Longtime Atlanta Ga. resident; stroke survivor; piano player