For All Those In Financial Distress, This Posting Is for You
Are You Worried About Your Investments?
Place All Your ‘Stock’ In Other People Instead
by Minister Paul J. Bern
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I stream videos on my computer in the evening when I’m not busy with the on-line ministry God has entrusted me with. I don’t bother with cable or satellite TV, they want too much money for those subscriptions, especially the broadband providers like Comcast and Charter. One of the social media outlets I use is You Tube (not a plug or an ad here, OK?), where there exists a proliferation of survivalist and/or “prepping” channels, as well as many more devoted to hawking the benefits of investing in silver and gold instead of stocks, bonds, futures or commodities, etc. (For a better alternative, check out the You Tube channel for my online church at
Doom and Gloom ‘Christians’
So the idea behind these videos I’ve watched (too many to list) is to get out of the stock and bond markets altogether. But the proposed ‘solutions’ are not so hot, if you ask me. Take the money from the liquidation of your investments, they’re…