Free Book Excerpt #4 from, “The Social Gospel Series Vol. 1: the Apostle Luke”, by Minister Paul J. Bern

Minister Paul J Bern
15 min readAug 20, 2019
Also available in digital format from or on Amazon Kindle

The Gospel of Luke chapter 7, parts 1 and 2, with ongoing commentary meant to educate and stimulate the mind while enriching the soul

On Faith, Healing, Jesus and John the Baptist

[Luke chapter 7, verses 1–23]

by Minister Paul J. Bern

Last week when we concluded our dissection of Luke chapter 6, we left off at the parable Jesus told at the conclusion to his Sermon on the Mount about the wise and the foolish builders. One built his house on a bedrock foundation, the other homeowner built his on stilts. So much time goes by and then along comes a tropical storm with heavy rain, damaging winds and much flooding. The first house built on solid rock stood firm, but the house on stilts washed away. Jesus compared this to 2 men who heard his Word in church, but only one put those words into practice, whereas the other did not. As a result the first man’s house stood firm, but the second was destroyed. If we hear the Word of God and fail to put it into practice, we sow the seeds of our own destruction. So today let’s pick up where we left off beginning at verse 1 of chapter 7.



Minister Paul J Bern

Rev. Paul J. Bern is a Web pastor and blogger on The Social Gospel Blog on Medium and Substack. Longtime Atlanta Ga. resident; stroke survivor; piano player