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Now available exclusively from Minister Paul J. Bern: The Reasons for Revolt Series
The Reasons for Revolt 3-book series
The latest offering from Author Rev. Paul J. Bern: the “Reasons for Revolt” series, a set of 3 faith based books that focus on injustice and inequality in our modern times, and ways we can overcome this from a Biblical perspective by peaceful protest and resistance. The titles are “Occupying America: We Shall Overcome”, “Cannabis Legalization and the Bible: Compatible or Not?”, and “What We Want and Why We Want It”. From a history of revolts in chapter 1 of “Occupying America”, to book 2 (Cannabis Legalization and the Bible), which alerts the reader to the reasons why the ‘war on drugs’ is actually a war on the American populace, to book 3, which outlines the people’s demand for higher wages, free health care and free public college tuition. This cutting edge 3-book set is a reader’s delight that is brimming over with the dissent, dissatisfaction, and the building rage currently being experienced by the American people. Guaranteed to make the reader take to the streets in protest! Now available on in digital format ($12.99) at; also available in print from Amazon or audio format on Amazon Audible. #people #healthcare #cannabis #amazon #education #higherwages
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