This week’s ongoing Biblical study series on the Social Gospel Blog with Rev. Paul J. Bern: Luke 24, verses 1–16

Minister Paul J Bern
6 min readFeb 26, 2022

The Elation of His Resurrection

(Luke chapter 24, verses 1–16)

Three empty crosses at Calvary at sunrise

Last week as we left off at the conclusion of Luke chapter 23, Jesus had just died and had been buried in a borrowed grave belonging to one Joseph of Arimethia. Although no one saw the significance of this at the time, Jesus being laid in a borrowed grave for 3 days confirms what he said earlier in our previous study of Luke (see chapter 18, verses 31–33). In Luke 14, verse 14 it reads, “Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous”. Jesus spoke of this as part of his ‘parable of the great banquet’. For the full context, check out Luke chapter 14, verses 12–24.

This week as we begin the 24th and final chapter of Luke’s gospel, we have the occurrence of something truly supernatural. The grave that Jesus’ body was entombed in has been found empty. Of course, we all know the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, but have you ever examined the details involved in this occurrence? Starting this week, and for the next 3 weeks afterward, we’ll be doing exactly that as we delve into this week’s lesson. So let’s plunge right in to the refreshing waters of the Gospel of Luke chapter…



Minister Paul J Bern

Rev. Paul J. Bern is a Web pastor and blogger on The Social Gospel Blog on Medium and Substack. Longtime Atlanta Ga. resident; stroke survivor; piano player