Weekly Commentary on Medium With Minister Paul J. Bern

When Authority Becomes Corrupted, That’s When Almighty God Himself Will Intervene to Take Charge

Minister Paul J Bern
5 min readJul 27, 2020

(Part 2 of 2; Ezekiel chapter 34, verses 20–27)

This week’s commentary will be part 2 of my comparison of Ezekiel 34 to modern Christian churches and all their various denominations. As you recall from last week’s message, the Lord Almighty sees all the corruption in our governments, from the chief executive all the way down to the lowliest undersecretary or custodian. We can all do better than what we’re currently doing, although many are doing better than some others. While some may be adamant about exercising their right to refuse to wear a mask, others are just as adamant about being protective by wearing masks. To top it all off, the one remaining place that should be a shelter from the disasters all around us — all the various church denominations — have been turned into little more than entertainment venues.

In last week’s commentary I lamented to a great extent about the state of modern churches and that of its pastors as they (supposedly) minister to their ‘flocks’. Unfortunately, due to what is often viewed as lax leadership, these pastors, bishops, evangelists, deacons and what-not, these various church denominations are ruling…



Minister Paul J Bern

Rev. Paul J. Bern is a Web pastor and blogger on The Social Gospel Blog on Medium and Substack. Longtime Atlanta Ga. resident; stroke survivor; piano player