Weekly commentary on the Social Gospel Blog with Author Rev. Paul J. Bern for Dec. 12. 2021

Minister Paul J Bern
4 min readDec 12, 2021

The Corona Virus and the Bible

(or, More Proof That the Scriptures Still Matter In the 21st Century)

by Rev. Paul J. Bern

For quite some time now, over 2 years to be precise, all we have heard about on various media outlets is more than we care to hear about COVID-19, otherwise known as the Corona Virus. With over 700,000 dead in the USA alone, the Spanish Flu of over a century ago that killed over 150,000 pales in comparison to Corona Virus. Thinking back to the four Gospels, Jesus healed numerous people for anything from demonic possession to blindness. He even raised people from the dead (Lazarus is only one example of several). Jesus, on the other hand, never got sick..

Because of this alone, we need not fear getting Corona Virus. Those who fear dying from anything — from Corona Virus to all other fatal diseases to dying in accidents — overlook the inescapable fact that all life ends, and sooner not later. Sometimes I think there’s an underlying reason for the fear of dying. — many of us have not made peace with God. Just as Jesus had to carry his cross one half mile uphill only to be nailed to it, so we too must make the trek uphill with the…



Minister Paul J Bern

Rev. Paul J. Bern is a Web pastor and blogger on The Social Gospel Blog on Medium and Substack. Longtime Atlanta Ga. resident; stroke survivor; piano player