What Does Unity in the Spirit Mean in Modern Times?
Being One With Christ in Spirit
What Should a Jesus Follower Do When Confronted by Evil People?
(1st Corinthians chapter 6 part 2, verses 12–20)
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In this week’s Bible lesson we will finish up the sixth chapter of First Corinthians, beginning at verse 12. The apostle Paul had just finished writing to the Corinthian church about settling legal matters and scriptural disputes from within the congregation, out of the view of non-believers. He warned them that those persons who practice this and other forms of evil, particularly in church, will not make it into heaven when their lives are over. Apparently there was some dissent from within the Corinthian church about this teaching, with at least a few believers taking the position that if something they say or do does not bother the conscience of that believer, then it shouldn’t bother anyone else either. Apparently some people in that church were saying that if anything was said or done that offended someone else but not themselves, then that became the other person’s problem. Paul responds directly to this line of thinking beginning in verses 12 and 13: